Impression of ancient city

Impression of ancient city

Cultural bridge

Release time:2021-07-27 16:53:59 Number of views:679

  [cultural bridge]

  You can walk out of the ancient city to the West for 15 minutes (on the way, you can enjoy the crape myrtle tree that is as beautiful as cry at the door of Huili rehabilitation hospital). It was built in the Qing Dynasty and rebuilt once in 1947. What you see now is what it looked like after the repair in 2007. The whole bridge body is a whole wood structure, which is connected by mortise and birch as a whole. The ancients built corridor bridges for pedestrians to shelter from the rain or rest. Now the cultural bridge is a place for young people to date. The bridge is a long corridor with two rows of long wooden stools. Sitting on the stools, you can see a quiet pastoral scenery... The latest name of the bridge is love bridge. The original name of the cultural bridge is Jinmei bridge. Under the bridge is the West River. Standing on the bridge, you can see the White Tiger Mountain in the north. Locals believe that this is a place where Huili's cultural context gathers and Kuixing's protection. Former students generally have to walk across the bridge before taking the exam to get some lucky care. Standing on the bridge and looking up at the top of the bridge, you will find that the characters such as "Changming has an elephant and culture has no frontier" have beautiful and elegant fonts, which places so many cultural connotations on an ancient bridge, which is another example of the importance that local people attach to traditional culture.