Ancient city specialty

Ancient city specialty

Huili orchid

Release time:2021-07-28 14:25:39 Number of views:243


  [Huili orchid]

  "Sitting for a long time, I don't know the fragrance is in the room. Butterflies fly when I push the window." the wonderful fragrance of orchids is probably the reason why people are infatuated with it. When you are in Huili and have seen the blue sky, white clouds, sunshine and mountains and deep valleys here, you will not be surprised that there are rare orchid varieties hidden here. Huili orchid is the most precious of Xiahan orchid and Lianping orchid. In 2007, the four seedlings of "Jinsha chrysanthemum tree" lotus petal orchid from Huili participated in the 11th Orchid Exhibition in Dali Prefecture, which once set a sky high price of 2.879 million. Other famous rare species include "multi color dragon character", "Huili lotus butterfly", "danxinrui butterfly", etc. If you like and know how to appreciate orchids, you can try your luck in the local flower market. The best orchids are collected in the local Orchid Association, but unfortunately, they are not open to visitors at present.